The New Friendly Fraud Protection

Friendly fraud is an escalating issue in the food delivery industry. This article delves into the intricacies of friendly fraud, including its causes, contributing factors, and strategies for identification and prevention. We will also discuss the legal ramifications and the importance of collaboration with delivery platforms to address this challenge.

What is Friendly Fraud?

Friendly fraud, also known as chargeback fraud or cyber-shoplifting, occurs when a customer makes a purchase, receives the product or service, and then disputes the charge with their credit card company or bank. In the food delivery industry, this often manifests as customers falsely claiming non-receipt of their order or asserting that their credit card was used fraudulently, despite having made the transaction themselves.

The financial impact of friendly fraud on businesses can be substantial. It results in direct financial losses due to chargebacks and can tarnish a business's reputation. High instances of friendly fraud may necessitate additional security measures, thereby increasing operational costs.

How to Identify and Prevent Friendly Fraud?

As the food delivery industry expands, the risk of friendly fraud grows in tandem. Identifying the signs and red flags of friendly fraud is the first step in prevention. Common indicators include customers who frequently dispute charges, make frequent changes to billing information, or have an unusually high number of chargebacks. Be cautious of customers who place large orders and request refunds shortly after delivery.

Verifying customer identities is critical in preventing friendly fraud. Best practices include using address verification systems, requiring additional identification, or implementing two-factor authentication for online transactions. These measures may ensure that the person making the purchase is a legitimate cardholder, but that only goes so far into protecting your business. 

Investing in advanced tools is essential for combating chargebacks. Attack the problem from the operational side. PrepProof is a tool that allows you to hold the accountability of your workers. You now have proof that you did pack those fries and you can dispute that chargeback with proof. This solution pays for itself.

Legal Implications to Filing False Claims

Understanding the legal ramifications of friendly fraud is crucial for businesses in the food delivery sector. Friendly fraud, also known as chargeback fraud, involves customers falsely claiming a transaction as unauthorized, leading to chargebacks. These chargebacks result in financial losses from the original transaction and additional fees imposed by payment processors.

Liability in cases of friendly fraud often falls on the merchant, who must prove the legitimacy of the transaction. This involves providing evidence such as order details, delivery confirmations, and customer communications. However, the outcome of disputes varies depending on payment processor policies and relevant laws, making it a complex issue to navigate. 

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How to Dispute a Chargeback?

JTECH is introducing a new product service called DELIVERify powered by PrepProof. It is as simple as signing up and watching the money stay in your account. We take care of the entire process of disputing the chargeback so you can focus on running your business. Learn more on my recent blog.


At JTECH, we are dedicated to collaborating with restaurants to combat friendly fraud in the food delivery industry. Through trust-building, information sharing, and the establishment of industry-wide standards, we aim to protect businesses and customers from the negative impacts of friendly fraud.

Get started now!

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