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We are here to help!
1965 Evergreen Blvd, Suite 300, Duluth GA 30096

Get Started with DELIVERify

We offer several choices.

Begin by tackling refund disputes with our success based fee structure, then elevate your operations to enhance delivery margins further with the Always On and ADWT Services, all for an affordable monthly subscription.


DELIVERify Standard

Backed by the power of PrepProof, recover lost revenue with refund disputes. We don't get paid if you don't get money back from fraudulent chargebacks.


  • Unlimited Disputes
  • No Long Term Committment
  • No Onboarding Fee
  • 30% Recovery Fee
  • No Work Required
  • All Major DSPs Supported
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DELIVERify Bundle

Leverage all of the features of DELIVERify to maximize your delivery margins. The Bundle includes all of the features of Standard with the choice of one or both of the value added subscriptions: Always On and Drive Wait Time Validation.


  • Unlimited Disputes
  • No Long Term Committment
  • No Onboarding Fee
  • 30% Recovery Fee
  • Your Choice of One or Both:
  • ALWAYS ON Zero Down Time - $15/month
  • AVOIDABLE DRIVER WAIT TIME Arrival and Food Ready Times - $35/Month
Sign Up Below

DELIVERify Custom

The JTECH  team is comprised of skilled consultants eager to respond to your inquiries.


  • Ask a Question
  • Request a Demo
  • Get a Quote Mulitiple Locatons?
  • Anything Else We Can Help With?
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Share a bit about yourself, and we'll guide you through the getting started process with personalized next steps!


Contact Us
1965 Evergreen Blvd, Suite 300, Duluth GA 30096

Copyright 2024 JTECH Global Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.